14 Freelancers Share Failures & Lessons Learnt

FAILURE. It’s a big scary word for all of us and something we try to avoid throughout our lives. It is even scarier for those of us who are self-employed

Photo by Ryan Graybill, via Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/2GQ3j5qzcUY

FAILURE. It’s a big scary word for all of us and something we try to avoid throughout our lives. It is even scarier for those of us who are self-employed. We battle doubters, loneliness, imposter syndrome, financial risk, the tax man and a host of others, just to make something that is ours. The fear of FAILURE is something that keeps us up at night.

BUT it is also something that shapes who we are, how we doing things and how we learn. I wanted to get a range of freelancers together to share how they have learnt from failure. How it has led to something positive in their lives. And you, as a reader, to walk away with an understanding that failure is important and not always a disaster.

Continue reading at www.profoundry.co/14-freelancers-lessons-from-failure/

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