Supporting US Heart Transplant Events, Causes & Charities

I took on a challenge for a gentleman over in the United States serving in an advisory role to UNOS/OPTN, similar to the UK's NHS Blood & Transplant

Vinyl Logo on Glass Window, Charity Heart Transplant Logo

Charity work feels great! I took on a challenge for a gentleman over in the United States serving in an advisory role to UNOS/OPTN (which like the UK's NHS Blood & Transplant). He required a logo / iconic design to help support and represent his cause - involving heart transplant-related events, causes and charities. Including organ donations of; Heart, Kidney, Liver and Lung.

"That’s all you? That’s fantastic! I especially love the "Give someone else a chance" slogan."

"I initially wondered about the green arrow tip not cycling back into the blue arrow, but it actually makes more sense now that I think about it — the recipient is actually moving on"

The Client

Plethora Exploration Brand & Digital Design System


Ribena + Hasbro Gaming Campaign UX & Digital Product Design


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